Forecast Table Schema (FTS)

Forecast Table Schema is needed to store forecasting results.

Each table line corresponds to all the forecasting results obtained for a given time series series using a given method for a given horizon for a given origin:

Field name (column name) Description Examples
series_id* Time series ID for which the forecast was calculated “Y1”
timestamp* Any representation of the period to which the observation relates. We recommend the use of the ISO 8601 standard “1997” in case of yearly data, “1997-01-20” in case of daily data, “1997-11” in case of monthly data, “1997-W03” in case of weekly data, “2018-Q2” in case of quarterly data
origin_timestamp* Origin of the forecast (provided in a timestamp format) “1996-12-29”
horizon* Forecast horizon 3
method_id* Method identifier - a unique name that identifies a method by which the forecasting result was calculated “ARIMA”
forecast Point forecast 234
lo95 The lower limit for the 95% prediction interval 178
hi95 The upper limit for the 95% prediction interval 273

*the key (the unique value that should not duplicated) for this table schema is series_id, method, timestamp, origin_timestamp, horizon.


head(example1_fc, 10)
   series_id   method_id  timestamp       origin_timestamp  forecast  horizon   lo90     hi90
1         Y1      A         1989              1988          5406.43      1    5183.349 5629.511
2         Y1      A         1990              1988          5875.96      2    5652.879 6099.041
3         Y1      A         1991              1988          6345.48      3    6122.399 6568.561
4         Y1      B         1989              1988          5473.87      1    5250.789 5696.951
5         Y1      B         1990              1988          6010.43      2    5787.349 6233.511
6         Y1      B         1991              1988          6546.63      3    6323.549 6769.711
7         Y1      C         1989              1988          5406.43      1    5183.349 5629.511
8         Y1      C         1990              1988          5875.96      2    5652.879 6099.041
9         Y1      C         1991              1988          6345.48      3    6122.399 6568.561
10        Y2      A         1989              1988          4142.60      1    3919.519 4365.681

It is possible to make this format more flexible if some of the columns will contain a JSON or XML representation of a list of variables. E.g., we can have a column named “method params” containing an XML representation of a list of parameters.

To cite this website, please use the following reference:

Sai, C., Davydenko, A., & Shcherbakov, M. (date). The Forvision Project. Retrieved from

© 2020 Sai, C., Davydenko, A., & Shcherbakov, M. All Rights Reserved. Short sections of text, not exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that full acknowledgement is given.